I entered the giveaway, which was easy. I already followed Ashley's Blog, so I left a comment about how cute the clips were. Well.... wouldn't you know I won one! And, the purple one at that! (Either the purple or the orange would have been fine with me, I love both colors equally... go tigers!)
As any good photography blogger should do. I took some photos of my new prize. Have you ever tired to take photos of yourself in a mirror, with poor lighting? Its HARD! No lie, I took at least 100 photos of myself. Most were out of focus, or way off the mark.
Case in point....
But, I did manage to come up with a few that were decent enough to share...
I also realized I could wear it not only in my hair, but as I decorative clip on my work ID badge.
Thanks Ashley for the great prize. I hope to get a lot of use out of it!
YAY - I'm so glad it made it there...and you look fabulous with it on. I hope you'll get tons of use out of it. Have a great week.