Tuesday, March 08, 2011


This weeks theme at Trendy Treehouse is Cookies. I love cookies. I love baking cookies, eating cookies, anything about cookies. Emmm.... cooookkkie (Say that in your best Cookie Monster voice)

I skimmed the files to see what I could pull up, because I don't have time today to bake and photograph new cookies. I came across a photo that Gene had taken at Christmas time. JJ and I have a tradition on Christmas Eve. We bake cookies for Santa. He's finally old enough to understand some of the math that goes into baking, so its fun to teach him how to use what he's learned.

JJ is great helper in the kitchen.


I love that this photo is just a snapshot of a great memory. Of course, the kitchen is a mess. But its often like that when I'm working in it. I promise I clean it up when I'm done! Don't your love my harvest gold Kitchenaid? It belongs to my mother in law. She rarely used it, so I swiped it a few years ago. She told me as long as I share with her what I use it for, she'll be glad for me to keep it.

And no, I don't normally wear that much make up to bake. Gene and I had been to a funeral earlier that day and I didn't take it all off. Why not feel glamorous when you bake?!?!



  1. Awww sweet capture! The only time I can get my son to bake with me is when I let him work the kitchenmaid ;)

  2. Great capture of a sweet memory!! =)

  3. A good wife and mother definitely gets dolled up for baking ;)

    Cute photo!
